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A grand in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+9Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: grandgrantgrandfathergrandmothergrandparentimmigrantgrandchildagree
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121. This is capital accumulation on a grand scale.
122. Revolution and regicide a grand fact?
123. Knossos Palace was then rebuilt on a grand scale.
124. He proudly entered the Enchanted Wood on his prancing charger, thingking what a grand picture he must make with his jeweled sword and shining coat of mail.
125. Under the influence of foreign and traditional Chinese culture, Chinese lion statues were given a heavy tint of tameness, representing a grand new Chinese lion culture.
126. Apart from talks and meetings, President Musharraf will also attend a grand reception to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
127. A 73 year old right-handed man sought medical attention because of a grand mal seizure and progressive difficulty with speech.
128. But gradually Chinese visitors began staking out a grand tour of their own design.
129. The king decided to have the third prince as his heritor and held a grand wedding for them.
130. Dozens of wearing a grass skirt wore a bird feather local youth for tourists simulated a grand Tahiti wedding.
131. Sasaki, who is the chef at a restaurant called Terukuni, which was named after a former sumo wrestler, a grand champion.
132. At a third desk Czerny was working on a new edition of Bach's fugues, and at the fourth desk he was composing a Grand Symphony.
133. She hasn't been to the semis for a couple of years in a Grand Slam.
134. She used her microphone to break into a glass case, where a grand piano sat waiting.
135. The debt-ceiling farrago showed that old-fashioned bargaining could still work, and both Mr Obama and Mr Boehner showed themselves open to a grand bargain, if only for a time.
135. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
136. That was part of what I believe was a grand bargain, struck between the Bush administration and the mullahs of Iran, that freed up US troops to crush Al-Qaeda.
137. Chinese tennis star Li Na became the first person from Asia to win a Grand Slam on Saturday with a stand-out individual performance.
138. March 7, 2010, the eighth anniversary of the Lions Club Festival "381 standard area" standards, held a grand gala dinner in Guangzhou Chime Long Hotel.
139. Amid the background music "Master Peter's Puppet Show" composed by Manuel de Falla, Spanish cities are presented on a grand decorative painting.
140. This was the Parisian home away from home of the famous American composer Leonard Bernstein[], and it still showcases a grand piano in his honor.
141. A grand piano is seen on a sandbar in Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida, on Jan. 26.
142. Farmed salmon was a lot better with 4.87g, but the humble herring had a grand total of just 0.25g per Kcal, making it 123 times less damaging than a prawn.
143. A new study challenges this disaster scenario and suggests instead that the Iceman died in a fight in the valley below and was later transported to the lofty locale for a grand ceremonial send-off.
144. For the field to establish itself as a grand unifier of the applied sciences, it must demonstrate the usefulness of grouping widely disparate endeavors.
145. I took my four-year-old son to an elegant department store, where the melodic notes of a classic love song drew us toward a tuxedoed musician playing a grand piano.
146. When technocracy, the bomb, and the population explosion arrived, man achieved a capacity to clash with the earth on a grand scale .
147. Rabindranath Tagore paid a grand visit to China in 1924.
148. For years, Steve Flaig, a delivery truck driver a Grand Rapids Lowe's store, had searched for his birth mother.
149. I had won a grand award as well as the honor of having a minor planet named after me.
150. I recently spent 10 days in a ski lodge in Utah with my daughter, who is eight, programming a grand vision she has for a computer game.
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